Nutrient Management

Top yields start with the best information





Peace of Mind.

Just as doctors and pharmacists prescribe and dispense medicines for safe and effective use; our agricultural professionals prescribe and dispense a wide range of crop production materials to ensure environmentally safe conditions, and optimum soil and crop health. California farmers are unquestionable the best at producing wholesome nutritious food for a rapidly growing population. Just as critical as supplying sufficient food; however, is the protection of our water supplies for current and future generations. 

We recognize the changing dynamic of farming in the Central Valley and have anticipated this shift as we see more and more regulations placed on farmers. The recently mandated Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program is one of the new regulations that growers face this year, imposing extra restrictions and requirements for the creation of Nutrient Management Plans. These plans are required to be signed by a Certified Crop Adviser.

Surveys show that a majority of farmers understand the importance of regulations, and even more so the importance of managing inputs in such a way to reduce ecological impacts; they often just get frustrated and overwhelmed with bureaucracy and paperwork. 

At Farm Supply, we believe that that farmers want to farm, not be hindered by cumbersome and tedious paperwork. The trick is to stay ahead of the curve. If farmers continue to more accurately apply product, we save time, money and headaches over being in non-compliance.

That’s what makes our STEM program special – We offer services that no other agricultural input company can in a way that eliminates guess work, stress and liability – giving you the freedom to farm again.